How digital identity secures and fuels business value
Identity security offers significant benefits to UK local authorities, particularly by improving joiner, mover, leaver processes, enhancing efficiencies, bolstering security, and ensuring robust governance.
Identity security systems streamline the onboarding process for new personnel by automating access credential provisioning, swiftly granting necessary permissions and resources. For transitioning employees, identity security efficiently adjusts access privileges to match their roles within the organisation. Additionally, identity security plays a vital role in promptly revoking access for departing personnel, minimising the risk of unauthorised access.
Automation significantly boosts efficiency by decreasing the administrative workload linked to manual user provisioning and de-provisioning. This enables local authorities to allocate resources more effectively while minimising potential errors. Moreover, identity security bolsters security through robust authentication and authorisation protocols, including multi-factor authentication and role-based access control, safeguarding sensitive data and systems from unauthorised access and cyber threats.
Identity security enhances governance by offering a centralised perspective on user identities and access privileges. This transparency aids local authorities in maintaining accurate records, ensuring compliance with regulations. Additionally, identity security supports audit trails and reporting mechanisms, enabling authorities to track and analyse user activities for accountability and identification of security vulnerabilities.